I dare – by Kiran Bedi

Published January 11, 2014 11:35 am

WP_000023 (2)I read through auto-biography by Kiran Bedi this week.

Atypical of auto-biographies I have read so far, this one is written in 3rd person except few places where 1st person is used. Kiran is trying to reflect though her life and give reader a factual view. but this makes the book dry at times. Her life is full of exceptions – be it education, sports, marriage, managing traffic in delhi or IG of Tihar jail. She takes different stand on these subjects which is much different than an average person. I personally liked her “tootan” example when she bans the tobacco in Tihar prison and all prisoners revolt. Whenever a old habit is challenged, tootan is the pain one faces for couple of days to break from the habit. This is something I will remember long time after I have read the book. It also protrays how good administrators don’t only know their subject but are street smart to handle real life issues day and day out. I have skimmed through some pages when I did not have patience to go through all facts.

In summary, if you like reading auth-biographies to know more about personality and interested in taking a closer peek in her life – book is worth a read.