Fearlessness is basic premise for Productivity

Published September 5, 2014 10:39 am

I care immensely about productivity. I think about it everyday. What changes can I bring out today – to be more productive from tomorrow?

The subtler the change, the higher the productivity gain.

little pretty girl ridingAttitude is the most subtle part of me. It is the goggles that I put on – before I start look at things (feel & think about them). It is active every millisecond and impacts smallest possible unit of my time. If I have fear activated, I look at things as problems and filled with numerous questions. Many of them are irrelevant – what ifs questions – that I referred in a previous post. It cloud the vision & never let me get to knowledge – the question-less clear view of the solution. It paralyze me in analysis that deactivates right action. And on top of all, it is active at the smallest possible unit of my time!

Fearlessness is relative. but you can sort of make out it is inverse-exponentially related to your productivity. Fear is most of the time – a lie. Antidote to fear is smile. If I carry that little smile, it helps get over it and eventually respectfully disconnect of it! That is all it takes and welcome to the world of clarity and power to act!

When things don’t move – relax harder

Published September 3, 2014 10:43 am

When things don’t move, the normal behavior or reaction is to get agitated / frustrated / blame self or others etc. It seems like the normal / right behavior. It has been re-enforced in me for years. but does that help me? Well – it does not matter. That’s my way of dealing with things  when they don’t move.

A quick reality check clarifies that getting frustrated – doesn’t take me anywhere. It only acts as energy sink and lead towards thoughtless actions. Yes – it is better than no action but better choice will be thoughtful action. Isn’t it? How do I get there?

Cheerful smiling  little boy sitting at the table.When things don’t move – time gets hard – relax harder. Relax. That only unleashes my natural trait of – seeing through the solution and empowers me to act – take thoughtful actions. Relax harder – does not mean – inaction. It simply means – smile; world has not fallen apart. It enables to take stock of the current situation, see the solution and empower for next set of thoughtful actions.

Next time – things don’t move – I shall relax harder!

The identity dilemma – Work on goals. Rest in self.

Published September 2, 2014 1:01 pm

All of us have bad days. I too have bad days. I try to look back to see if I can learn from it. Many times – it gets down to the identity dilemma.

  1. I do meaningful things. Hence, I am (worthy). Vs
  2. I am (worthy). Hence, I do things.

Mind BackdropEveryday I am faced with new challenges or force myself into new ones – to keep learning and moving. Until it is “done” – that new task/problem/challenge – what you call it – I often go through pain. Pain is primarily because I fetch my identity from “doing meaningful things”. If it does not get done, it gets even more painful at times.

If I take it the other way around – I am (worthy). Hence, I do things. It seem to feel better – while doing and even when it does not get done. It helps to correct these subtle believes.

Wrong believeRight believe
I do things. Hence, I am (worthy).I am (worthy). Hence, I do things.
Things fetch happiness. Hence, I experience happiness.I am (blissful). Hence, things fetch happiness.
I know things. Hence, I am (worthy).I am (worthy). Hence, I know things.

It is like – “I am. Hence, things around me.” – not the other way round – “things are. Hence, I am”.

This change empowers – to work on goals while rest in self.

Reaching your potential – be yourself

Published August 28, 2014 3:24 pm

Do you want to be happy, productive, reach your potential, be your best self? Answer is astounding yes.

How often do you deny yourself to be yourself? answer is — quite often.

Be yourselfReaching your potential starts with being yourself. That is when your interests and what you do – are aligned. That is when your emotions and you – embrace. It is what feels like aha or the eureka moment! What if more minutes of your daily life are eureka moments? It is certainly possible since it does not take much — to loose up and – be just yourself.

Well – if all of us – allow ourselves to be – just ourselves. Hell might loose open. Isn’t it? Well – the answer is no. Being yourself does not mean – react & do whatever you think. It simply mean – you “facing” instead of “denying” – all your likes & dislikes (emotions). That gesture alone is enough to unlock your deep innate potential. It is enough – to connect at deeper level – with your unspoken inner voice – your emotions. Don’t we see people pleading in tough negotiations & in heated discussion – “hear me out”? That deep inner voice – also require face time/acceptance and that is enough – to let it out – to get pass the emotion. You then clearly see the emotion & yourself as two separate things and connect with your self – the unbounded awareness, smile and power – that is your untapped potential.

Being yourself also means being mindful and also referred as being emotionally intelligent. That is your Ah moment when things can’t be more clearer. You are face to face with the solution and working like an orchestra! It takes little bit time and patience – to get there.

Why not to deny?

  1. No matter how much we deny – it exists within.
  2. Accepting/facing will not do any harm to us – because what you are – nobody has power to change – even worst of your thoughts – can’t !
  3. Facing them will help separate you and your likes/dislikes and get over them!

No – What if – Just do it

Published August 27, 2014 10:34 am

How many minutes have you spent thinking what if it may go wrong? or

  1. What if I take the wrong direction?
  2. what if I spent more time on this than desired?
  3. what if it is worth taking up?
  4. what if something else is better thing to do than this?
  5. what if it shows me in poor light?

What if – is one of biggest time sink, reason to procrastinate & not act — and road block to personal productivity. Just do it – is the reverse. It helps you move and possibly fail. If I don’t move – I have anyway failed.

Woman standing in yoga position, meditating in mountainsHaving said that – thoughtless action vs thoughtful paralysis – are two extremes. I need to be careful and take the middle road. Typically in my personal experience, I have seen more of later than of the former. Given more time – analysis & procrastination takes the excess of the available time. Parkinson Law applies – work expands to fill the time available.

There is need to push ourselves – to action. After thinking, it’s time to go with the natural flow of action and keep the gut check active – to not fall in trap of thoughtless action.

That is it. Just do it.

ps. The due credit for the trigger point about ‘what if’ started when I first read this article and ever since it has been growing on me on how much harm this can do.